If you are planning to start a blog, or your current blog is not generating revenue, it is likely that you are not doing one or more of these things I provide to you here. Sometimes the simplest things make the biggest difference. This post will help you become a more successful blogger quicker. These […]
How To Choose Plugins
Plugins are one of the great benefits of having a self-hosted WordPress blog. Plugins add functionality to your blog, and there are plugins available to do just about anything. Plugins are kind like apps for your mobile phone. In this post, I am going to share tips on how to choose plugins. There are a […]
How To Redirect Your Author Link
Your author link, or profile link, in WordPress is the link that appears when you hover over the author of a blog post. This link exposes your username, so for security purposes, you may wish to redirect that link. It’s quick and easy, and I show you how to do it in this post. Today’s […]
Solving WordPress 5.0 Editor Issues
If you are having issues using the new WordPress 5 editor, this post is for you. A few days ago, WordPress released version 5.0. Regular updates are normal, and we have come to expect them. We welcome these updates and their newest features and security updates, however some people are experiencing issues. As part of […]
WordPress.org vs. WordPress.com
With all the talk about WordPress, it’s easy to easy to get lost in the mayhem. Your may not even know what WordPress is, nor why there are two different adaptations. Fear not, I am going to make heads and tails of all of this for you, so you understand what it is and the […]